On-set playback: an excuse for not paying attention

Technology has helped movies evolve in many ways over the years, but sometimes it’s a good idea to eschew an advance to see what happens.

In a podcast from USC featuring the team behind ‘Son of Rambow’ the director describes a method for helping their two child leads. From 6:40 in:

“We got rid of any monitors or any way to watch playback… So that they [the kids] never saw themselves, and they never became self-conscious. It was great for us as well because we hate that whole thing of rewinding and going ‘ohh, maybe he was a bit slow in the background.’ As we just got rid of it everyone just had to watch. For a couple of days there was a bit of a mutiny, the crew didn’t like that: ‘How am I supposed to do my job… how can I light…’ We answered: ‘Just watch.’ … It made everyone focus… empowered and on the case”

Take a look at the technology around you and see if some of those aids are holding you back from giving your best.

Subscribe to the other podcasts in the USC series from their site or from iTunes.

1 comment
  1. Jesse said:

    So, did they get rid of monitors to watch playback on only? Or did they get rid of monitors to watch the actors live? It says they got rid of any monitors. That seems strange since often times watching something on a monitor is much more telling than watching the actual actors. You’re paying attention to things that might not even be in frame, or not being able to notice subtle nuances in the acting because your eyes are in close up.

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